Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hilary Clinton

Hillary Clinton (pronounced English : /ˈhɪləɹi ˈklɪntən/), née Hillary Diane Rodham (/daɪˈæn ˈɹɒdəm/) the 26 October 1947 in Chicago (Illinois), is a politician american, having been First lady of the United States and secretary of State of the United States.

She is the First lady from 1993 to 2001, as the wife of 42e president of the United States, Bill Clinton. It then occupies the seat of senator, democrat for theState of New York, from 2001 to 2009 ; she votes, especially in support of american military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. A Candidate in the presidential primaries of the democratic Party of 2008, it is beaten by Barack Obama. The following year, after the election of the latter to the White House, she was appointed secretary of State of the United States, a position which she held until 2013, date on which it expressed its wish not to be renewed.

Again a candidate for the presidency in 2016, she won the primary for the democratic Party, beating the senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders , and becoming the first woman to be named candidate of one of the two major parties in the u.s. to the position of president of the United States. She will face including the Republican Donald Trump in thepresidential election.

Hillary Diane Rodham was born on 26 October 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. She is the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham (1911-1993) and Dorothy Howell (1919-2011), and has two brothers, Hugh and Tony. His father was a republican conservative and his mother was a democrat.

In his autobiography, Living Story, Hillary Rodham Clinton evokes the origins of" franco-canadian, scottish and native american " of his maternal grandmother, Della Murray. The family of the latter was a native of New-France2,3. His great-great-grand-father Anthony Martin is also born in France, in the Pole, circa 1815, and emigrated to France in Upper Canada (now Ontario) prior to 1840.

She grew up in Park Ridge, in the suburbs of Chicago. Notably, she was the classmate of the singer Steve Goodman. Sporty, methodist fervent, she is a student diligent, which led to being elected to the class council[ref. necessary]. His parents encouraged him to study seriously in order to succeed and choose the career which interests[ref. necessary]. In 1962, Don Jones, pastor methodist, awakens to the movement of the civil rights4 and offers him the chance to see Martin Luther King during a speech in Chicago.

In 1964, at the age of seventeen she was involved in the presidential campaign of senator republican ofArizona, Barry Goldwater5. Afterhigh school, she entered the prestigious university of women of Wellesley where, again, she represents her peers to the governing board and presides over the movement of the Young Republicans of the college. However, increasingly opposed to the Vietnam war and marked by the struggle for civil rights, she supported first Eugene McCarthy, the candidate anti-war during the primary elections in the presidential election of 1968, and then participated in the campaign of republican Nelson Rockefeller. The links are permanently broken with republicans when they refer to Richard Nixon to represent them.

At the end of her studies, Hillary Rodham devotes his thesis to the sociologist of the american Saul Alinsky, entitled An analysis of the Alinsky model6. During the graduation ceremony, she gave a speech where she takes it to the administration Nixon, denouncing the Vietnam war and the " pressure of the hypocritical legacy of 50 years "7.

In 1969, Hillary Rodham joined the prestigious Yale Law School, where she is sharing her room with the future lawyer Marian Wright Edelman and Janet Hill, the mother of the basketball player (Grant Hill). Bill Clinton likes to remember their first meeting : he observed, with insistence, in the very austere library of Yale when she came to him and said, " If you have to continue to fix me as well, and me to do the same, we'd better introduce ourselves. I'm Hillary Rodham ". With Bill Clinton, she took part in the presidential campaign of George McGovern, in 1972 finally defeated by Richard Nixon.

Upon his graduation from Yale, Hillary Rodham became a lawyer, brilliant, advising the defense Fund of the children of Cambridge before joining the team of lawyers who advised the judiciary committee (Judiciary Committee) representatives during the procedure ofimpeachment of president Richard Nixon in the affair of the Watergate.

She moved to Arkansas to follow Bill Clinton, who began his political career in Little Rock. They married in 1975 and have one daughter, Chelsea Clinton, in 1980. Hillary Clinton became a professor at the law school of theuniversity of Arkansas. It is then the knowledge of Vince Foster who is head of the committee of the bar association of Arkansas, which manages the legal assistance. Foster is working with Hillary Rodham Clinton, lawyer intern in charge of the legal aid8. Foster promotes the entry of Hillary Rodham Clinton at the " law firm Rose ", where she became shortly after, the first woman associated8. Foster and his colleague, Webster Hubbell, help to overcome the reluctance of other partners to hire a woman9. In 1978, president Jimmy Carter appointed her to the board of the Legal Services Corporation, while Bill Clinton becomes governor of the State ofArkansas.

Hillary Clinton, still First lady of Arkansas for twelve years. She chairs the programs committee of the State education, theArkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the association for support of children and families ofArkansas, and is also a member of the steering committees of the hospital for children, Arkansas Children's Hospital, legal services, and the substance of defence legal children, Children's Defense Fund. At this time, she is also a member of the executive committees of several companies including the supermarket chain Wal-Mart.

From 1995, Hillary Clinton writes a weekly column10 entitled "Talking It Over (" Talk "), the subjects of which are related to her experience as First lady of Arkansas, his comments on the women or the children and families she met around the world.

When her husband is elected to the White House in 1992, Hillary Clinton becomes the First lady of the United States , and probably, among these, the most involved in the political life of canada. The couple Clinton is also the first presidential couple born in the baby boom. Clinton appoints his wife in the group of advisers of the White House responsible for thinking about the reforms of the health system. The working group adopts a plan to reform complicated which sometimes happens ever before legislative bodies and is definitively abandoned in September 1994.

Like her husband, she becomes the object of judicial investigations, but none led to a criminal conviction. Thus, it is criticised for its obstruction in the investigation into the death of presidential adviser Vince Foster. Another case also haunts his political career : the scandal Whitewater. Hillary Clinton is accused of having used information obtained in the course of her law firm in Little Rock, in order to enrich themselves personally, through friends, through the purchase of land on the banks of the river Whitewater in theArkansas. She had to give evidence under oath, in the context of this case, before the Justice of 26 January 1996.

In the case of Monica Lewinsky, Hillary Clinton has an attitude, invariable in respect of her husband : she supports him in his denials, speaking of a " vast right-wing conspiracy ", even after the confirmation of reports of extra-marital of her husband.

For many republicans, his name was pronounced with the same contempt as Ted Kennedy's : a liberal (liberal in the sense the american term), left-wing, progressive, educated in the great universities of theIvy League. They accused him of being output to the role of First lady, reserved, to influence policies, particularly those of the reform of the health system. Some say that his marriage was a political alliance between two young people, smart and ambitious, sealed in the deepest part of the radius "legal" in the library of Yale. Others see marriage as another where disagreements and estranged are carefully hidden to the outside so as not to interfere with the ambitions of both spouses. They accused him also his activism, pro-abortion11. Yet, since 2003, she is a member of the group christian traditionalist The Family (Family), led by Douglas Coe, which are also part of the senators known for their conservative positions and anti-abortion, such as Tom Coburn, George Allen, Jr. or Rick Santorum12.

The 14 November 2008, rumours suggest the possibility of the appointment of Hillary Clinton to the head of the department of State of the United States by Barack Obama22. The 1st December 2008, president-elect Barack Obama appoints Hillary Clinton, secretary of State of the United States of his future presidential cabinet23. The 15 January 2009, the appointment of Hillary Rodham Clinton is validated by the foreign Affairs committee of the u.s. Senate, led by John Kerry. It receives the endorsement of all of the sixteen senators with the exception of the senator from Louisiana, David Vitter24. The senator from Texas John Cornyn takes on the head of a committee conservative to prevent Hillary Clinton to be invested as of January 20, as the majority of the members of theObama administration ; they justify their blockade in the wake of the controversy over the Clinton foundation25.

The 21 January 2009, the appointment of Hillary Rodham Clinton at the State department of the United States is approved by the Senate, with ninety-four votes against two oppositions (David Vitter and Jim DeMint)26.

The 22 January 2009, Hillary Rodham Clinton is officially secretary of State of the United States. During her inaugural speech, she announced the appointment of two envoys diplomatic : George Mitchell, to the middle East and Richard Holbrooke forAfghanistan and Pakistan. She recalls that one of the priorities of the american foreign policy is peace between Israel, Palestine and the arab neighbors of Israel.

The minister of foreign Affairs of turkey Ahmet Davutoglu and the us secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington D. C., February 13, 2012.
From 16 February to 22 February 2009, she travelled in theSouth-East Asia stopping in South Korea, Indonesia, China and Japan. She took the opportunity to call for strengthening ties between China and the United States.

On 12 October 2009, she said, during an interview, that she will present to the presidency of the United States27.

She announced, in October 2012, its intention to leave his position at the head of the State department at the end of the presidential term of Barack Obama. Among all the us secretaries of State, she is the one that is the most displaced, with more than 1.5 million of km travelled by plane and 112 countries visited28. Following the re-election of Barack Obama, the media, wondering about a possible candidacy in the presidential election of 2016, due to its high popularity in the country and internationally ; Hillary Clinton downplays his ambitions for this election29.

After his departure the secretary of State, Hillary Clinton will remain on the american political scene, and his candidacy for thepresidential election of 2016 is a matter of speculation important. It is regularly given far ahead in the democratic primary by pollsters, americans30.

Hillary Clinton officially announces her candidacy to be the primary democratic presidential April 12, 2015, through a clip posted on the Internet. The polls show that it should easily win the primary and that it would outweigh most of his opponents republicans.

Its score decline after the revelation of his use of a computer server private when she was secretary of State (forcing then to submit thousands of pages of e-mails printed on paper), especially in the States hinges (swing states) Iowa, Colorado and Virginia31. After several months of controversy and while studies show that the american public doubt more of his honesty, she acknowledges, finally, a " mistake "32 (The controversy of personal e-mails to Hillary Clinton (in)).

She is also the face of the breakthrough of its main rival, the senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders. Marked more to the left than she (it claims to be a " socialist democrat "), it succeeds to the general surprise, to tighten considerably the gap separating it from the favourite33 , and is given a winner or at the elbow-to-elbow with the former secretary of State in some of the early primary34. The reasons for this rise appear to reside not only in a growing rejection of the personality of Hillary Clinton, but also in a dynamic membership of the electorate as a democrat to the ideas of the senator from Vermont35,36. The latter was also the image of a man writing his own speech and not allowing oneself to be influenced by lobbyists while her husband and her daughter are campaigning for it, which is sometimes ill-perceived37.

She won narrowly the Iowa caucuses the 1er February 2016, with 23 delegates against 21 for Bernie Sanders. A week later, it is largely beaten in the primary in New Hampshire38. She then won the caucus in Nevada, and then beats widely Sanders during the primaries of South Carolina39. She then won the Super Tuesday, the 1st march, by winning in seven States : Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and Massachusetts. It also won the caucus islands, american Samoa, while Sanders won the Vermont, the State of which he is a senator, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Minnesota. This victory confirms the status of favorite for Hillary Clinton, and puts Sanders in trouble. It was then largely, on march 5, Louisiana, where she won more delegates than Sanders, who won on the same day two States, Kansas and Nebraska.It is fought on the 6th of march in Maine.

To the general surprise, she loses narrowly in Michigan, in a State where the polls gave widely to win ; although it won an overwhelming majority at the primary held on the same day in Mississippi thanks to the black vote, this defeat in Michigan is in trouble and gives color to the campaign of Sanders. On 15 march, when the "second" Super Tuesday, she won the five States in play : it is necessary without problems in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, but wins with margins extremely reduced in theIllinois and the Missouri. In mid-march, Hillary Clinton enjoys a lead of about 300 delegates elected on Sanders. Yet, the dynamics happening on the side of the senator from Vermont, who sang wins : if the 22 march, Hillary Clinton won Arizona at the end of an election controversial40, it is fought largely in Utah and Idaho. Bernie Sanders wins then, on the 26th of march, three wins overwhelming in Alaska, in theState of Washington and Hawaii, which allows it to make up for some of the delay on Hillary Clinton, winning a hundred delegates. On 5 April, Sanders won clearly the primary of the Wisconsin while the results were far more tight in the States of the Midwest. In the wake of this victory, the surveys of voting intentions indicate a thrust of Sanders at the expense of Clinton, several institutes giving the senator from Vermont winner at the national level41. But Hillary Clinton stops Bernie Sanders in his tracks, winning largely in the primary of New York, on the 19th of April, by winning that day, nearly 140 delegates. On the 26th of April, at the third super Tuesday, Hillary Clinton wins four states on the five that were in play, including Pennsylvania, where 189 delegates were at stake. These five wins in a week allow Clinton to exceed the symbolic figure of 2 000 delegates (including super delegates who support it), and bring them closer to the 2 383 delegates needed to win the nomination and a democrat. These victories also reduce to nil the last hopes for Bernie Sanders to win the primary.

On 7 June, on the occasion of the last Super Tuesday, she won four of six elections, in spite of the victories often narrow, including that of theState of California, with 53.1% of the votes cast42. It exceeds the number of delegates needed to be nominated party candidate for the presidential election ( 2 383 delegates). She becomes the first woman to be the candidate of democrat to a us presidential election.