Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Illuminati Order

The Illuminati of Bavaria (or sometimes Illuminati of Bavaria) (in German Illuminatenorden) were a secret society of German from the xviiie century that claimed theEnlightenment and, more generally, of the philosophy of the Enlightenment.

Founded on 1st may 1776 by the philosopher and theologian Adam Weishaupt in Ingolstadt, it had to face internal dissension, before being prohibited by an edict of the government of bavaria in 1785 , and disappear shortly after.

Many myths and conspiracy theories have alleged that the order survived in its prohibition and that it would be responsible for, among other things, the French Revolution, of conspiracies against theroman catholic Church as well as of the constitution of the new world order.

This society, a movement speed of free-thinkers, rationalists and progressives, the movement, the most radical of the Enlightenment1 was founded on 1st may 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at the university ofIngolstadt, in the kingdom of Bavaria, where theElector conservative Charles Theodore succeeded him in 1777 to the progressive and informed Maximilian III Joseph. Maximilian had the idea of creating a College where the knowledge would be shared and where esoteric knowledge might be transmitted to the members of the higher grades. First of all School secret2 the group was initially named "Bund der Perfektibilisten (Circle of Perfectibilistes) and then Illuminatenorden (Order of Illuminati)3.

The goal was the development and progress of humanity into the freedom, theequality and the brotherhood4. According to the historian Stéphane François, Adam Weishaupt's goal was to, in a German catholic " dominated by the Jesuit order, very conservative, which formed the future elites of the State ", " pre-empt [the] conservative forces forming an elite progressive ", and in particular, to combat the Rose Cross of gold old system, secret society " paramaçonnique conservative in nature "5.

This pyramidal organization does not claim the freemasonry, as its founder observed, with a certain disdain. Weishaupt wears the title of "General" and is assisted by a "Supreme Council" composed of his first companions, which he calls " aréopagites "6. Only the direction of the organization knows its secrets and its objectives materialistic and anticlerical.The new recruits, the "Novices" need to observe a probationary period of approximately two years before you reach the rank of " Fee " after an introduction which resumes the themes and names of antiquity. The recruitment is still limited to Bavaria and does not exceed a few tens of members, until in 1780, the date on which Weishaupt decided to strengthen its organization by taking up certain forms masonic, and infiltrating a few lodges in germany, including the lodge "Prudence," in which he entered in February, 1777 , although it défendît designs mystical very different from hers, and the lodge "Theodore of Good Council" of Munich , to which affilièrent two other senior members of his order6.

  • As early as 1786Ernst August von Göchhausen, in his book, Revelations about the political system cosmopolitan, denounced a masonic conspiracy as infiltration of the Illuminati of Bavaria, manipulated by the jesuits and predicts" inevitable revolutions the world "13 three years before the outbreak of the French revolution.
  • In 1789Jean-Pierre-Louis de Luchet, marquis de La Roche du Maine, also said, " the marquis de Luchet ", publishes his Essay on the Sect of the Illuminati14 in which he denounces the leaders of the Illuminati of Bavaria as controlling the space masonic european in general and French in particular15.
  • in 1798, abbe Augustin Barruel published Memoirs to serve the history of the Jacobinisme16 who stressed the theory of a great conspiracy involving the knights templar, therosicrucians,the freemasons, the jacobins and the illuminati17Barruel attributed the authorship of the society of the Illuminati as much to Adam Weishaupt as Emmanuel Swedenborg, the mystical Swedish ; he says that it still exists, it is still very influential in freemasonry in that it aims for the destruction of all order and of all religions18Jean-Joseph Mounier it provides an answer in 1801 by posting Of the Influence attributed to philosophers, freemasons and to the illuminati on the Revolution of France ; he sees, and accuse by Barruel to be an agent of the Illuminati18.
  • in 1798, simultaneously and independently, a Mason, scottishprofessor of natural history, John Robison came out The Evidence of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe19When he saw the similar work carried out by Barruel, he added a multitude of notes to complete his essay. Robison claimed to show evidence of a conspiracy of the Illuminati and working for the replacement of all religions by thehumanism and all nations by a world government unique.
  • The marquis of Virieu, a member of a masonic martinist of Lyon, having visited the convent of Wilhelmsbad (1782), denounced a conspiracy being in a state of advancement such that " neither the monarchy nor the Church could not survive "20.
Despite the low life of the organization (a decade)21, the Illuminati of Bavaria have always had an image brunette in the popular history, because of the writings of their opponents.The allegations mournful of conspiracy theories that have shaped the vision of freemasonry that have almost overshadowed the Illuminati. In 1798, abbe Augustin Barruelpublished Memoirs to serve the history of the jacobinisme which outlined the theory of a great conspiracy involving the knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, the Jacobins and the Illuminati. Simultaneously and independently, a Bricklayer, a scot and professor ofnatural historyJohn Robison came out in 1798 proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of EuropeWhen he saw the similar work carried out by Barruel, he added a multitude of notes to complete his essay. Robison claimed to show evidence of a conspiracy of the Illuminati and working for the replacement of all religions by thehumanism and all nations by a world government unique.
Paul Copin-Albancelli spoke of a relic probably of the order finding that Weishaupt had fled to the home of the elector of Saxony, and that if the order had not survived, he had at least been able to have a successor or an heir22.
More recently, Antony Cyril Sutton suggested that the secret society Skull and Bones (literally : skull and bones) had been founded by the branch of the american Illuminati. Robert Gillete has defended the hypothesis that these Illuminati would ultimately have the intention to establish a world government by criminal acts such as murder, corruption, blackmail, the control of banks and financial authorities the infiltration of governments, but also by supporting wars and revolution to move their own members in the highest levels of the political hierarchy.
Sutton and Jefferson seemed to agree that the enemies of the Illuminati were the monarchs of Europe and the Church. Augustin Barruel was thinking the same that the French Revolution of 1789 was fomented, and controlled by the Illuminati through the JacobinsAnd later conspiracy theorists have also found the liability of the Illuminati in the Russian Revolution of 1917 , although the order was officially disbanded in 1785.
In a news story from Planet shock directed by David Mackenzie, we can see the journalists buy documents presented as secrets to the KGB from the cold war, of supposed ex-officers of this organization. One can in particular see letters between two high-ranking members that make direct reference to Adam Weishaupt, speaking to him as their founder.The last point of the letter, when you enlarge it, represents the truncated pyramid topped by an eye. Their goal, at the time, seems to be the infiltration of the Vatican and several videos that demonstrate how they would have done to get there, including through the Cardinal jean Villot and assassination of Jean-Paul IerAccording to these letters, even high-ranking leaders of the USSR, as Joseph Stalin or Nikita Khrushchev, would have been corrupted by the Illuminatis23.

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