Saturday, July 30, 2016

Steve Jobs - full biography

Steven Paul (Steve) jobs". Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs; February 24, 1955, San Francisco, CA — October 5, 2011, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California) is an American entrepreneur, widely recognized as а pioneer in the era of IT-technologies[6][7]. One of the founders, Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of Apple. Co-founder and CEO of Pixar.

In the late 1970-ies Steve and his friend Steve Wozniak developed one of the first personal computers, possessed of great commercial potential. The Apple II became the first mass product of Apple, created at the initiative of Steve jobs. Later, jobs saw the commercial potential of the GUI, the mouse, which led to the advent of computers Lisa and, a year later, the Macintosh (Mac).

After losing a power struggle with the Board of Directors in 1985, jobs left Apple and founded NeXT — a company that developed a computer platform for universities and business. In 1986 he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm production company, turning it into the Studio Pixar. He remained CEO of Pixar and a major shareholder until the Studio was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2006, which made jobs the largest private shareholder and a member of the Board of Directors of Disney.

Challenges in developing a new operating system for Mac led to the purchase of NeXT by Apple in 1996 to use NeXTSTEP OS as the basis for Mac OS X. as part of the deal jobs was promoted to Advisor Apple. By 1997, jobs regained control of Apple, leading the Corporation. Under his leadership, the company was saved from bankruptcy and became profitable. In the next decade, jobs oversaw the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad, as well as the development of the Apple Store, iTunes Store, App Store and iBookstore. The success of these products and services, providing several years of stable financial returns, has allowed Apple to become in 2011 the most expensive public company in the world. Many commentators called the rebirth of Apple one of the greatest achievements in the history of business. At the same time, jobs was criticized for an authoritarian style of management, aggressive actions against competitors, striving for total control over products even after its sale to the buyer.

Jobs received public recognition and awards for their impact on the industry technology and music. It is often called "visionary" and even "father of the digital revolution. Jobs was a brilliant orator and led the presentation of innovative products to a new level, turning them into a fascinating show. It is easily recognizable figure in a black turtleneck, jeans and sneakers surrounded by a kind of cult...

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