Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Great American Civil War

The Civil War and American Civil War (generally called "  The Civil War  " , "Civil War," the US 1 ) is a civil war occurred between 1861 and 1865 and involving the United States of America (the " " Union  "), led by Abraham Lincoln , and the Confederate States of America ( "Confederation"), led by Jefferson Davis and partnering eleven states of the South , which had seceded from the United States.

The Union includes all states abolitionists and five "frontier" states slavery and is led by Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party . Lincoln was deeply opposed to slavery and its abolition wishes in the territories held by the United States 2 . His victory in the 1860 presidential election results in the first secession of seven southern states, even before Lincoln took office.

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The fighting began on 12 April 1861 When Confederate forces attacked a military facility of the Union Fort Sumter , in the bay of Charleston in South Carolina , because the northerners soldiers refused to evacuate despite threats southerners. Lincoln responds by mobilizing volunteers in every state army, which led to the secession of Southern states four additional slave. During the first year of the war, the Union ensures the control of the border secessionist states and established a naval blockade as both sides strengthen their army and their resources. In 1862 , battles such as Shiloh and Antietam caused unprecedented losses in American military history.

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